Tuesday, July 26, 2016

It's just been one of those days!

My day started of by waking up late for work. As I ran out the door I forgot my lunch, and to make my morning greens and water!
So I got to work and ate a granola snack that I keep there, incase I forget to eat breakfast, or run out the door late like I did this morning!
But then I ripped my shorts in the back about 4 or 5 inches in the back!!!(hahahahaha)
I'm just glad that they ripped sideways instead of up and down!!! ;)
So including several of silly lititle things that happened to me today while at work, I got home to some crazy and wild kids that ripped up the house like no other, when I JUST PICKED UP!
Nit to mentuon my poor baby girl Jazlyn has been teething on her 2ND bottom molar tooth, and screaming, screaming, screaming!!! So I also haven't getting much sleep here resent lyrics either. But I was happy to have some confianza here at the house, because it is one of our amazing natural products that helps you focus and release stress! ♡♡♡
I love how it just brings me back to a calm state, with no side affects, and is only made with natural botanicals so it's actually  good for you! Just had to share my silly day with you all, since I know all of you have probably  had simular ones aswell!

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